
Where do you find Beauty?

So I was pondering beauty the other day....

Is it just a 20 year old in a string bikini on a beach with a great tan and a hard body? If so then what is to become of her at 40 after 3 kids and a fortune in botox treatments, hair dye and cellulite creams? Is she no longer the picture of beauty that comes to our minds? Well most of us would say 'no that's not true beauty, what matters most is what is on the inside, what type of person you are? But that is not what we are saying as a society, look around "Beautiful" now means "Barbie" and women all over america are doing whatever it takes to be "beautiful."

So this is the legacy we give to our daughters.... be thin, be pretty, and do whatever it takes to be these because then all will see your beauty. What a hoax!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not the type of beauty that the creator of the universe placed in all of us, we are all beautiful!!!!!!!!!! because we are God's.

Beautiful According to Me...

A life restored.... there is nothing more beautiful that watching as God restores a person to that which they were created to be. A man at the end of his rope, wishing for the end, finding joy and laughter, but most of all hope.
A womans who has tried it all in the name of love, and for all that she has found bitterness and pain, this same woman finding love in a God who doesn't discriminate by what you look like or what you have done.

A group of people who take seriously the call to "love your God with all your heart and love your neighbor", because they were that man or that woman in need of restoration.

This is the legacy I long to leave my daughter, beauty is seen as we embrace the heart of the father.

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