
Jesus is Smart

I am prone to spontaneous fits of arrogance and self-righteousness...

This can even take place (I know that this will shock you) in the most spiritual language:

I am a firm believer that all christians are called to plant churches. I believe that Jesus laid down a model for us; he planted the first church (the 12) and we are to participate in that same mission. I believe in this reality so strongly that I am often critical of those who do not see this clearly presented aspect of Christ's life.

However, I was reminded (yet again) this morning, that the primary distinctive of a disciple of Jesus is not planting churches, nor is it participation in a church, nor is it prayer, nor is it knowledge, nor miracles, nor great faith, nor raising many disciples, nor reaching the lost with the gospel, nor raising godly children, nor living a moral life, nor helping the poor, nor fighting oppression:

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

As students of the Master, we are to learn from him, taking his very life upon us as a model (yoke) for the best way to live. We are to learn to pray as Jesus prayed, to live in community as Jesus did, to serve the poor and oppressed as He did, to raise disciples as He did, however, all of the aforementioned aspects of the life of Christ are meaningless without, and in fact flow out of, a heart of love for the people around us.

If we focus on the results of love we will not neccessarily have love; if we focus on love, its results will naturally flow out of us.

If we focus on praying, planting churches, serving the poor, preaching the gospel, raising disciples, living morally; we will fail in love. If we focus on loving first our Father, and second our fellows; we will succeed in praying, planting churches, serving the poor, preaching the gospel, raising disciples, living morally; these are the natural and direct result of a deep love for God that informs our deep love of people.

Isn't Jesus smart?


David said...

This reads like the conservation I had with my mother last night. She and her significant other often get bogged down with what they perceive Christianity to be, and what my life (in Christ) has become, and is developing into. Your words this morning are confirmation that I wasn't simply rambling on. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

All of the Law and Prophets hang on the Great Commandment and 2nd Commandment. We can't do the Great Commission without those. Being missional is loving God and loving people.