
"The iPod Efffect"

"The most disconcerting part of it all is not that changes are happening—that is inevitable. It is that we stand oblivious to the magician’s sleight-of-hand as a trick is played on our mind. And so we repeatedly seek to use our new methods only to be used by them."

Check the link, and the title link.

I would also suggest reading the chapter in Tony Campolo's Following Jesus without Embarrassing God "how to protect yourself from technology without becoming Amish," he has a great spin on the "tv is from the deeevil"

It is not that using technology is wrong, immoral, sinful, inherently un-spiritual, etc. Rather, it is that often times we employ technology into our lives without regard for the effects of that technology; technology "uses" us.

Do we find ourselves interrupting guests in our home to answer the telephone? Interrupting conversations to enter notes in our PDA? Does the lack of sophisticated technology, or muscial instruments, impede our ability to worship? What is the purpose behind the TV on the altar in our living room, or the computer in our bedroom, the cell phone on our hip, the daily newspaper that we read, the car that we own, the microwave, the dishwasher, etc. Are these things actually fulfilling the purpose for which we brought them into our lives? If so, wonderful, if not...

"if your eye causes you to sin..."


David said...

Moving more toward Gibson's cyberpunk world in Johnny Mnemonic everyday; the short story not the movie.

??? said...

I just want a pet dolphin that can hack the CIA...

Sean said...

Check this guy out and tell me what you think.

Anonymous said...

Checked out the site...

"Our goals for the class are to:
Identify and analyze rock music in terms of themes. Critique the religious and theological themes embedded in this musical literature. Evaluate the contribution of U2 to Christian witness in contemporary culture. And participate in social justice work such as Drop the Debt, Aids Africa, etc."

It all seems a bit inductive.