
Who's the Missionary now?

According to George Barna: “With its 195 million unchurched people, America has become the new mission field. America has more unchurched people than the entire populations of all but 11 of the world’s 194 nations.”*

According to Lost in America, by Tom Clegg and Warren Bird, 2001: “The unchurched population in the United States is so extensive that, were it a nation, it would be the fifth-largest on the planet. . . . Researchers and analysts describe North America as the world’s third-largest mission field.”


Caleb said...

I'm getting ready to go to Kenya to help build an orphanage and a youth camp and I'm feeling pretty good about it and where I'm coming from. I meet this college student who moved here with his Dad from Nigeria. They're missionaries sent to Redding. That made me scratch my head.

??? said...


Although, as churched as Redding is, I could give him a list of my old beer buddies who need a Nigerian missionary right about now...

Anonymous said...

who doesn't need a nigerian beer-budy who loves Jesus?

??? said...

Only if they drink stout...