We finally got dumped on this winter. This was our first real snow of the winter, just one week before the official beginning of Spring...
We got about 20 inches in 2 days.
It has been quite some time since I have written an update for all of you who might potentially be reading this from parts elsewhere...
Winters in Buffalo are like summers in Redding; you don't go outside if you don't have to...
...but God has still been at work in our community of saints. We have continued to connect, slowly but none-the-less, with new people. About two months ago we celebrated a large milestone in the health of our Church. We officially released a second home group under Mary's leadership. (I know this goes without saying for all of you back home who know her, but, "Mary rocks!" she has been such a blessing here! It is wonderful to watch her step out into the places God is beckoning her!)
This has made room for new people and for new leaders.
...we have an upcoming leadership teaching that our church will be involved in. Myself and the Pastor of the Niagara Falls Vineyard will be teaching an evening on the subject of leadership. I see this as a very timely thing. There are several people in our church who are people of influence and may very well be the future leaders of the Buffalo Vineyard. (Although they might not know it yet!)
God has been stirring our hearts (particularly my wife) in the area of prayer and intercession. God has continued to raise her awareness on the issue of human slavery that still goes on in America and other parts of the world. We don't know what role we might play in these great global issues, but God is certainly asking us to pray!
I have personally been meeting with a small group of pastors in the city (two others from Buffalo, and then Pastor Jim from the NF Vineyard) to fellowship and pray together. This has been a great encouragement to me, and I see it as a potential source of something truly special as we continue to grow together.
We are looking forward to the warming weather and the opportunities for being out among the people of Buffalo that it will bring.
Please pray specifically for two things:
That God would open doors into new relationships in the city and new neighborhoods in the city.
That God would spark fire in the hearts of the people of our church, and raise up women and men who would take responsibility for the community of God and the mission of God here in Buffalo.
Here is Adrianna, her son Judah (in utero) and her husband Joe, (she cooks a mean stew!) and their friend Cabe; they are sitting in our living room during our Wednesday small group meeting.
Here is the Cafe that we have our Sunday night gathering at. Mary and I were warming up for worship, Alan is singing along.
This is a picture of some of our friends enjoying a meal at our old house.
Lilly and I playing guitar. Lilly is currently studying Art History for a semester in Italy!
wow i really miss all you guys!! it's so good to see joe, adiana, carl & of course tommy bag-o-donuts!! mary your hair is flippin' long, steve i'm glad to see your tee-shirt doesn't have a hole in it & zoe you're cuter than i remember!! bless you guys. don't worry about the 80's dance party at win river that i'm going to tonight (maybe sam will break dance). luv you guys
Mary told us about the snow. We are glad you are all safe. As we write (Saturday March 22nd) Harry is flying to New York City, and Mary is on her way to meet him. They will be enjoying a brother- sister vacation during Harry's spring vacation. They will return to Redding, where Harry will go back to school and Dad and Mom will get to see Mary for a week. Harry graduatuates from Enterprise High School this June, gets ten days off, then goes to Marine boot camp in San Diego. If you can, please attend his boot camp gradua- tion. Mary will keep you posted.
God Bless you all in His mission for you. Please pray for Harry wherever he is sent to serve, that he will not be harmed. Praise to the Lord for His love for us all.
Ed and Margo (Mary and Harry's folks.) Thank you for loving on our kids.
Awesome man. It's great to here about everything that's happening with you crew. Keep rockin' for Jesus.
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