

commodity |kəˈmäditē| noun ( pl. -ties) a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. • a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time.

Sex is a commodity. While the rise and fall of oil and gas continues sex is rapidly becoming cheaper and cheaper everyday. Sarcasm is really the only way I know how to handle the topic of sex and the same within the context to which I would like to talk about it. I will try to refrain from using all the sarcastic things I have stored up in my brain. Sex is no longer about love and commitment; it's about having it your way, wherever and whenever you want it. You can confuse sex and Burger King. They basically have the same slogan: "Have it your way." People even talk about it as if it were a hamburger or going out to grab a bite to eat. " I think I am going to get laid tonight." " I think I am going out to get a hamburger tonight." It's sick and I am not referring to just men. Women are just as capable in the area of cheapening sex as men are. It sucks and it's not fair that this is how it has become. A consumer product. We even have names for our genitals. Nicknames that dehumanize our human and God-created body parts. As weird as it is to say it our beautiful parts. They are ugly and vulgar names, that to me are upsetting and I hate to think of them. I will spare the names because even the sexually healthiest and purest people know all of the derogatory names. It disgusts me. I have come away from a few movies that have left me wanting to spend the rest of my life celibate than to ever experience the brainless, loveless sex that billions of people experience everyday.

I am sure that everyone that reads this blog has heard this by now but I will reiterate it anyway.

In certain countries you can purchase a 5 year old little girl for 5$. That is the going rate. There are women and children, right at this very minute, that are being smuggled into our "Christian Nation" only to be bought at a cheap price. Right now someone is being forced to do sexual acts against their will. Someone at this moment is being forced to give up their virginity to a person that will never ever be capable of loving them. By the way this is probably happening in the city you live it.

Sex has become so accessible you can find it ANYWHERE you like. We have become so demanding of "our needs" our wants. Sex isn't even between one man and one woman anymore. It can be anyway you want it. Have it your way. In fact why not just buy somebody that you can just have sex with whenever you want and it doesn't really matter how you treat them because they are from a foreign country. They don't really speak our language and don't really understand what is going on.

Rape speaks all languages. Suffering. Pain. Humiliation. They are all universal languages.

The thing is that everyone has a name. Everyone has a personality. People with names and unique, God-given personalities are being destroyed.

I am just so angry and so disgusted by all of this. My brain has been rolling around sarcastic things about sex for the last two days. That won't help anything. This world needs Jesus. This world needs healing. Sexual healing. I need sexual healing and the thing is I have never had sex! I guess that most people really haven't ever experienced sex either. Even the word "sex" it seems so cheap. Tons of people who have had sex have really experienced selfishness, and short lived pleasure, they have really experienced lust and pride, shame and domination. They have never really experienced what sex was intended to be. I can't take much more exploitation of one of God's beautiful gifts. I can't take much more of the stories I hear on a weekly basis from girls in my life saying that they weren't loved by some man.

Basically this whole sex thing all boils down to a few different things:

1. Sin

Oh wait that is pretty much it. I guess then there is a few different solutions:

1. Jesus

Oh wait He is the only solution. God please heal us. Please move in this country. Move in all of the nations of the world. Please God end human trafficking. Restore to this world the gift of sexuality in it's purest most beautiful form and show us, your church, Lord what we can do to partner with you in this.

Now if you will excuse me, I am going go buy 50 shares in the sex industry, it's such a hot commodity and at such a cheap price it would be a shame not to.


??? said...

Mary, don't ever let the fire burn out!

Anonymous said...

This is a mind bolgling bold statement. It has caused me to rethink, reevaluate and reflect on what the meaning behind christ really is. We have an intense job to do and we need to continually work overtime on this issue

justin said...

what is sex then?

Mary P. said...

I feel like I don't really know what sex is, but I know what it is not.
I was reading this book by Rob Bell called "Sex God" and he was describing sexuality as a connection not only to your mate but to God. He said that even people that choose to be celibate can be deeply sexual because they can connect to the world in a way that married people might not be able to. I feel like as humans we are disconnected from God because of sin and that we try to do everything we can to find some sort of connection. I feel like a lot of people are looking for a deep and intense spiritual connection and in that they turn to sex, when really they are not finding what they are looking for. They give away the most vulnerable parts of themselves.
I feel like sex is a gift given to us from God for our enjoyment and our pleasure. I feel like with this gift comes certain expectations and responsibilities. Just like if you were given a car as a gift, ( I know it's funny to compare sex to cars but it is the best example I can give) someone can purchase a brand new car for you but you are still expected to put gas in the tank and make sure there is air in the tires. Sex is a gift given to us through the covenant of marriage, and in that we are expected to love and care for our spouses, we are supposed to be committed to them for life. A lot of people want the connection of sex but not the commitment. So I guess what I am saying is that sex is a commitment, a connection (physical and spiritual), and a responsibility. I hope that this answers your question.

Jessica said...

did you read my blog?? There's a short one about this very thing... on it there's a link. www.humantrafficking.org
You go, sister... I love ya!!

Anonymous said...

It is not good at all that it has come to this, and I feel everything you touched on is true. But the fact of the matter is, more people are having sex more frequently. What we can do now is take more precaution in the act. The more you do something, the less special it becomes. Sex means different things to different people. Some people connect sex with love, which then makes them want to have sex more often or not at all. It is funny how two people with the same feelings toward the subject will choose different outcomes.

I feel sex is human nature. People (and animals) develop natural urges for sex. It is not bad, or make us bad. The only thing that differentiates us are the choices we make on how to deal with the feelings. Some have sex with their partners, with someone whom they barely know, with someone they think they love, someone who is just sexually appealing etc...

Others may just resort to masturbation; which is another perfectly normal thing to do. For both men and women. These feelings aren't taught, we are born with them. We can suppress them and it could mess us up somehow by doing something dreadfully Freudian.

But sex shouldn't be confused with love or any other kind of extremely complex emotion. It can be tied in and have a similar meaning, but the actual act of "having sex" is not the same. If everyone decided to wait for the perfect person or the one monogamous relationship, the world would be a lot less populated. Which is the exact reason that sex can be had without any other involvement.

I believe sex can be very healthy. It is a topic that should be talked about more often, WITHOUT judgment. We ALL have our outlets for releasing our sexual urges; whatever it maybe, or whichever form it takes. Unhealthy relationships, mixed feelings, suppressed urges are all things that can lead to self destruction. It can lead to pedophilia, sex trafficking, molestation, rape, incest etc...

It is an option, a personal choice. I don't believe it is a gift from any creator at all, the gift is the choice.

??? said...

Hey Kussy, it is great to hear from you!

How have you been!

I hope your holidays have been well?

Mary P. said...

Hey Kussy!

I am glad to hear your reponse! I want to think about it for a few days it was really good! I hope that you didn't think I was being judgemental because I wasn't aiming for judgement.
I am glad to hear from you and I hope you are doing well!



Anonymous said...

Haha! No no, I didn't think you were being judgemental at all! It kinda went from your rant to mine. I think I was just saying w.e came to mind. Which wasn't very good. I am great btw. I will try to be there this Sunday!