
A Common Mind

"...the covenant community is not a mere human institution following an agenda but a fellowship of disciples together seeking to know, listen to, worship, love, and serve their Lord. In particular, the community we see in Acts, the Epistles, and the writings of the second century was constantly concerned to invoke, celebrate and be deeply sensitive to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. Repeatedly, this involved fresh searchings of Scripture (for the earliest Christians, the Old Testament; for the next generation, the apostolic traditions as well) and serious prayer and fasting, waiting for a common mind to emerge."

NT Wright


Sean said...

When did the idea of church become "static," & not "dynamic?"

??? said...

I suppose in Acts 6...

Once you take steps to institutionalize you begin the cycle. It's not a bad thing, just a good thing that can easily usurp its place as an essential, but not central, aspect of organic life...