

If you want to know what someone holds to be valuable, powerful, or true, you are better off watching them live than hearing them speak. The unfortunate truth is that our most carefully crafted statements of theology say less about our understanding of God than the simple everyday choices we make. In the area of Church praxis this is most unfortunate, because our practices communicate a theology that is far from orthodox.


passamike said...

I just read this out loud to Nancy and when i asked her what she thought she said, "What old dead guy wrote that? It sure is convicting." And then I told her it was you...she about fell over...:)

??? said...

The funny thing is, I am just quoting you guys!

Sure maybe you didn't say this exactly, but you lived it in front of us...

...which is kind of the point!

passamike said...

what a compliment to the goodness of Jesus and the fruits of Kingdom living...bless you guys...:)