
Inaugurated Eschatology and the Invasion of Normandy


Dictionary: in·au·gu·rate (ĭn-ô'gyə-rāt')

tr.v., -rat·ed, -rat·ing, -rates.

To induct into office by a formal ceremony.
To cause to begin, especially officially or formally: inaugurate a new immigration policy. See synonyms at begin.
To open or begin use of formally with a ceremony; dedicate: inaugurate a community center.


Dictionary: es·cha·tol·o·gy (ĕs'kə-tŏl'ə-jē)


The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind.
A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment.


The German forces had conquered Europe. Adolf Hitler held dominion over the entire continent.

The Allied forces planned an attack on the mainland from England. Day One of the invasion onto the coast of France was called D-day. The Allies needed to gain and hold a beachhead on the coast of Normandy. To fail to do so was to risk the possible loss of the continent to Germany, to succeed here was the beginning of permanent victory.

The Allied success in establishing a beachhead at Normandy was the point at which the outcome of WWII was decided.

The war was not yet won, but in a sense it had been won. From this point on, the German armies had no real hope of success. The victory had been achieved, but not yet realized. Hitler had been defeated, but had yet to realize it.


Inaugurated Eschatology

Christians believe that we are currently live in the time of the end. What was achieved by Christ on the cross was precisely the final victory. There is still the manifestation of that victory, the 'putting it into effect' that is, and must be, taking place. But the victory is already won.

There is still the possibility of loss and casualty, but there is no question of the outcome of the war.

We live between the times.

Jesus has won the great battle for us, and we now put into effect that victory as we await His return and the full and final consummation of victory.

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