
God Doesn't...

"God doesn't call those who are equipped, rather, He equips those He has called..."


"When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God's way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities."

The apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Ephesus


God isn't really all that impressed with a 'fast horse,' but rather a horse who is willing to be trained. (Psalm 147:10-11) A football player who runs a 4.2 second 40-yard dash, but has trouble determining which end zone he should run towards, is of no help to his team whatsoever.

Similarly, a person who has tremendous knowledge of scripture, or wonderfully effective communication skills, or wields charismatic influence over others, is of no service to God (and is a danger to him/herself and others). If they are not humble before God, receiving His wisdom and power instead of offering God theirs, then there is as much good to come from their efforts as the blazing fast running back who unwitting heads the wrong way down the field...


Sean said...

That'll preach! Good stuff.

Caleb said...

Truth my friend, pure truth! I hope that all is well in NY.

??? said...

NY is an amazing place, the natives here are divided into many different tribes, some are very open to the Gospel; our home, however, is situated right in the midst of a hostile tribe...

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