
Who is Jesus?

who is Jesus?

I am thinking about Jesus and who is he to me... is he my personal savior to whom I take my shopping list of prayers to be answered? ...after he has answered all of my prayers the way that I would like then I will have a painfree, void of suffering lifetime of happiness. Is he my friend to whom I turn to only when life brings about a desperation in which nothing else seems appropriate to turn to? When the desperate circumstances are gone, so is the need to be with him and consult him? Is he the Lord of my life on Sundays, but monday thru saturday belong to me?

In pondering who Jesus is, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus has been all of the above many times in my life since deciding to follow him and that disgusts me. I know all the right things to say about who Jesus is, but I find myself seeking an answer (in my heart of hearts) who is Jesus to me? Do I really know him at all? Whoah, maybe I just lost my salvation but at least I am honest, I can not claim to know him as intimately as I know others in my life yet I don't claim to serve others, I claim to serve him. Do I serve a God I don't know and if so why? Is it the lucrative promise of heaven or the fear of hell?

These are just the thoughts that are circling around in my melon these days, I long to serve Jesus in a manner worthy of the God that he is and only in intimately seeking his heart will I be able to thrust myself forward into his passions, and someday hope that his passions that have taken up battle with mine will win the war.

I know in my heart of hearts that I do know Jesus and each day I come to know him better however, I know I desire more. I know that many of his passions have won over mine but there are still more to go. I want to make sure that as I follow Christ I am truly following him and not a religion or a set of rules but instead the passionate heart of God. I want to know him and follow him in such a way as to transform the world I live in with his LOVE, that people could not deny Christ because they see him flowing out of me, instead of seeing so much of me flowing out of myself that people are hardpressed to find even a glimmer of God.


Anonymous said...

I bet you are really hot!!!!

Tamy S. said...

Steve you don't have to leave me a comment like that just cause I wanted a comment but thanks it's nice to know that you appreciate my mind and the thoughts that I think