
Think Before you Speak...

I have had a number of people express a level of concern over my last post...

I am sorry, I can get fired up over some of my pet concepts, this being one of them, and I probably did not communicate what I wanted to with the appropriate tone. I do understand that not everyone is at a place yet where they have moved beyond the "American (Nightmare) Dream;" they still believe that the Gospel is primarily for their benefit; and that we must lovingly encourage them beyond this. Others have legitimate needs and concerns, and are in sincere need of ministry; we must lovingly care for them. My concern was with what I see to be a general misconception, however, it appears that I communicated that in such a way as to provoke personal responses. I apologize for any harsh or inflammatory language. I, too, am a work in progress, Jesus help me...


David said...

Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is an informal journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author, and includes their thoughts, comments, and philosophies. Having said that, I would wonder if I would choose to adjust the 'tone' of my passion so that I might not 'provoke personal responses.'

By ‘tone’ I refer to the author’s implicit attitude toward the reader or the people, places, and events in a work as revealed by the elements of the author’s style. Tone may be characterized as serious or ironic, sad or happy, private or public, angry or affectionate, bitter or nostalgic, or any other attitudes and feelings that human beings experience. If, my good friend, we shy away from speaking what's in our heart, our mind, or the 18 inches in between, we suffer from a lack of conflict resolution that is part of our very spiritual formation.

Blog on brother man! And if people need your blog's back-story they can certainly look through the archives. Ain't communication fun...always better to read than watch TV. I appreciate your apology as an attempt at moderation, deference to other’s concerns, and to gain perspective on the overarching context of the moment (passion for His bride). Did I ever mention that I gave Jello Biafra a ride once?

Sean said...

I think you're normally nice, so I forgive you. Worldview is a thick reality. Everywhere.