
...aren't they just hilarious!?!

I never cease laughing when my daughter is around...
...our friends (James and Rebecca) gave our daughter a life size doll (life size for her anyways) and she promptly christened the doll "Rebeccajames" which was quickly shortened to "Beccajeem" but has since become simply "James." I know that my daughter will have to wait many years untill she sees the humor in having a doll with long hair and a dress that is named "James," but it is sure funny to us...

We are constantly trying to answer questions like "Does James stand or sit when he/she goes peepee? Should we refer to James as he or she? Does this situation signify anything about our daughter, or ourselves as parents? And similar humorous inquiries...

..don't they just make you laugh...

...like the tendency they have to experiment with newly discovered body parts in public, or new language. Zoe wouldn't stop talking about "Papa's nipples" the other day while I was trying to have a serious conversation with one of the women in our church, needless to say, the conversation wasn't very serious for very long...

It is no wonder that I find Calvin and Hobbes to be the funniest comic, children are simply amazing reserviors of natural and unintentional comedy.

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