
Paper Pt XXII: Endnotes


1Matthew 4:18
2NT Wright, Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters (Westminster John Knox Press, 2004) p 102-103.
3Genesis 1:3-25
4Genesis 12:1-3
5Ephesians 4:6
6Ephesians 1:22
7Romans 8:20-21
8Genesis 1:26-31
9Luke 13:34, Isaiah 49:15-16
10Isaiah 54:5
11Ephesians 1:23
12Romans 8:19
13Ben Fielding, “He is Lord” This is our God Integrity Media, 2008.
14N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Fortress Press, 2003) p 272 par 5.
15Colossians 1:20
16N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Fortress Press, 2003) p 728-731.
171 Corinthians 1:22-25
18John 20:21-22
19Ephesians 2:14
20Ephesians 2:10
21Pastor Jimmy Siebert, Antioch Community Church, Waco, TX.
22Acts 4:13
23Pastor Mike Kerns, Vineyard City Church, Redding, CA.
24Phillip Yancey, Church: Why Bother? (Zondervan, 1998) p 33.
25Mark 5:18-19
26Matthew 10:5-8
27Luke 10:1
28Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, John 20:21-22, Acts 1:8
29Matthew 9:37-38
30John Wimber, Founder of the Vineyard.
31N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Fortress Press, 2003) p 242.
32Matthew 28:19-20
33Ephesians 2:14-16
34Ephesians 2:14
35N. T. Wright, The Holy Spirit in the Church (Fulcrum Conference Islington, April 29, 2005) Section VI Paragraph 2.
36John 12:32
37Ephesians 3:10
38John 6:15
39Matthew 8:18
40John 6:66, Luke18:18-30, Matthew 8:19-20
41Luke 14:27
42John 12:23-25
43Matthew 5:3-12
44Dallas Willard, The Apprentices (Leadership Journal) para 15.
45Thom and Joani Schulz, Why Nobody Learns Much of Anything at Church: and How to Fix It (Group Publishing, 2004) p 31-32
46John 4:1-3, Mark 1:35, Mark 6:46
47Pastor Mike Kerns, Vineyard City Church, Redding, CA.
482 Corinthians 4:8
49John Wimber, I’m a Fool for Christ. Who’s Fool are You?, (Mercy Publishing, 1987) DVD.
50Lori Sharn, Mother Teresa Dies at 87 (USA Today, 9/5/97) para 18.

1 comment:

Josh Hopping said...

excellent paper. Here's hoping that it is chosen for the SVS conference! =)

Now to find some find to re-do my EC/Vineyard paper for the conference... two months should be plenty of time. =P