
The UnChristian Church

A good friend just came back from hearing Tony Campolo speak to a conference of older Christian pastors, professors and leaders. My friend quoted Tony as saying, "there is a generation in their 30's that is dissatisfied, and is going to challenge the established church because it's not Christian enough."

What dya think?

Is this really what the generation gap in the Church is about?

Is this what is at the heart of the 'emerging' Church?


LaurenJ said...

hmm... thst's my generation. I have recently seen the movie, Jesus Camp, and I just watched Saved again and It is just weird how there is truth mixed in with this mand made stuff and we say it is what JEsus wants, but the majority of the stuff that Jesus said he wanted, we ignore. Our focus gets so...unfocused. We just get blurry eyes and end up looking another way. Christian enough...I would have to hear what he said after that. IT sounds funny "christian enough" I guess I am more comfotable with the phrase...(syntax) Not living like JEsus, ro something like that. I think the Christian term in certain contexts is overused or misused and abused. I think it would be great, if my generation challenges the established church. I just hope we are living what we are preaching.

??? said...

I just hope we are living what we are preaching.


Yer spot on though...

And then Jesus said, "they will know you by how well you critique the traditional church..."

??? said...
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A "Freakin' Angel" said...
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A "Freakin' Angel" said...

Russell Rathbun addresses this very issue in his new book nuChristian: Finding Faith in a New Generation. nuChristian is a practical response to books like unChristian (David Kinnaman) which shared research pointing to the next generation's view of the church and Christians in general. Russell is actually doing a blog tour for the book this week. You can read more about the book and the tour at http://www.judsonpress.com/product.cfm?product_id=13514.