
Responsibility: Individual and Corporate

"...no one should go broke because they get sick."

-Someone you've probably heard of

What do you think?


Sean said...

Although there is much more to the discussion, I agree. Too, I would add, "...no one should get rich because people get sick."

??? said...

I must admit some personal confusion on these issues.

I am sick and tired of the conservative Christians, wringing hands and whining, 'it's socialism, SOCIALISM!' As if Karl Marx has come out of the grave and is about to eat your children...

But I still cling to some of my libertarian roots, as well...

As a Christian I am almost ambivalent on national politics, but quite fiery on what might be termed 'politics on the personal level.'

Sean said...

It's crazy to see how people can manipulate a discussion to such a degree that the REAL issues get lost amongst the anger. It really is a matter of greed & ignorance.

??? said...

"greed and ignorance" indeed!

...on both side!

??? said...

PS the quote is Obama...