
The Receding Tide

The previous quote is a wonderful and humorous image...

(It's a quote I stole from Dave Ramsey)

I think it also captures a reality for us: whenever trouble of any sort hits us, it tells us a lot more about ourselves than we often care to admit. For example, when confronted with an opportunity to be dishonest or undisciplined, our choices reveal the character we have. We can easily say, "I normally don't act this way, but a situation came up where I knew I wouldn't get caught, and so I gave in to temptation." The reality, however, is that we are the type of people who give in to temptation in that situation.

Another example is the current US economic reality: so many people were "caught" by the crisis. "If only the economy wouldn't have tanked, I could still afford this mortgage." The reality is, it was an unwise decision in the first place, and people just got caught!

Nobody looks naked when the tide is up...

Character is who you are when nobody is watching. Character is wearing your swimming trunks, even though nobody can tell if you are or aren't...

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