
Unity is GREAT! But not with them!

So far, every single person who has seen this video, and then commented on it to me, has shared two things:

Firstly people have said something like, "the vision of unity in the body of Christ is compelling and powerful.  I am completely on board with the message of unity in the church across theological divides."

And then they have said something like, "the source of this message is off-putting precisely because it comes from a corner(s) of the church that crosses a theological divide."

Everybody likes what was said, except for the fact that it was coming from the Pope, or from Copeland, or both!

And there lies the issue!  Unity is a beautiful concept and an ugly reality.  Singing kum-ba-yah while holding hands with people of all colors is beautiful, but once we stop singing, I have to give up my right to have things the way I want them to be.


Jeff Carter said...

Steve - radical. Unity is challenging. It really is an ugly reality.

??? said...

May we embrace the ugliness...

Thanks for your encouragement and example in this!