
Politics and Religion

You‘ve heard the phrase about being ‘so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.’ This assumes that heaven and earth have nothing to do with each other; that spirituality and politics are two totally separate realms.

And yet, even on the surface of it, that doesn’t fit with our own cultural experience. Conservative Evangelicals as a voting bloc put George W Bush in the White House. Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor first, and a civil rights activist second. The Church has historically been extremely influential in political issues like abolition, prohibition, prison reform, abortion, education, and many others.

So which party would God endorse?


Does God even care about politics?

And where should the people of God stand on political issues?


anna said...

I think that God would not endorse either party. While Christians have typically been known to vote Republican on a lot of issues - there are also many issues that Democrats that we as Christians should value. Christ taught that while the poor will always be with us, that we should take care of them. The Bible tells us to be good stewards of the Earth we've been given. There are many programs that Democrats seem to push for, such as affordable health care for the needy, sustainable energy and design needs, and so on. I feel that while abortion has certainly been a deciding factor for many Christians in their vote, there are many more issues that we as Christians should prayerfully consider. As Darryl Bowdre wrote "Politics does not change a person’s heart; only Jesus does."

??? said...

I have to agree Anna.

A politics that gives allegiance to Jesus will be a fly in the ointment to both partys.

Sean said...

I can no longer endorse the site of a communist.

You're a brave man talking politics, using posts as your medium (difficult medium), with a very religious & loyal crowd. Not a discussion I would choose to pick-up, but that's what I like about you!