

"Part of the problem, particularly in the United States, is that cultures become so polarized that it is often assumed that if you tick one box you’re going to tick a dozen other boxes down the same side of the page – without realising that the page itself is highly arbitrary and culture-bound. We have to claim the freedom, in Christ and in our various cultures, to name and call issues one by one with wisdom and clarity, without assuming that a decision on one point commits us to a decision on others."

N T Wright

As a follower of the Resurrected Lord, the Crucified King Jesus, I am compelled to concerns and positions on many issues that seem schizophrenic in light of our current political spectrum...

Radically anti-abortion, and yet firmly anti-capital punishment; this seems to me a consistent ethic of the sanctity of human life, and yet it makes little sense in the political realm of the American electorate.

Many other issues could be brought up in light of Wright's words above...

Poverty, family, health, education, international aid, foreign peacekeeping, illicit drug trafficking, internet pornography, etc.

I find myself all over the political map, driven by my faith to positions that seem contradictory to those who's politics are motivated instead by adherence to the platform of a particular party.

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