

I watched this film the other day, at the end, Matt Damon's character states:

"In every case a lawyer finds himself crossing a line that he doesn't really mean to cross, if he crosses that line enough, it will disappear." (my paraphrase from memory)

What this points to is the human capacity for spiritual development. In this particular instance the development is both negative and unintentional, however, it is entirely possible for spiritual development to be both positive and intentional.

Our spirit is the core of our being, the seat of our desires and our will. Every decision we make has an impact on it, whether that impact is negative or positive, whether that decision is intentional or accidental.

Allowing ourselves, in the heat of the moment, to make decisions that we disaprove of, will lead to us eventually approving of the behavior in question (in this case a law-abiding lawyer justifies breaking the law in order to bring justice, and soon finds that he no longer needs to justify breaking the law as it has become acceptable behavior). So too, chosing to do the right thing, even when we don't feel like it, will lead to us eventually desiring to do the thing in question (chosing to give away money because I recognize my own wealth and others need, even though it causes personal discomfort, has lead me to the place where I enjoy giving away money).

We can even take this to the level of intentional and practical discipline. Instead of simply waiting for those 'moments of decision' to arrive on our doorstep unnanounced, we go forth seeking them out.

What are the lines that you don't want to cross? How can you set up boundaries in your life to prevent you from doing so? (Don't try to say, "no" to sex in the back seat of a car; simply decide beforehand not to end up in the back seat in the first place.)

What are the lines that you do want to cross? How can you find creative ways to 'practice' doing those things? (Set aside a regular time each week to write encouraging notes to people; this will help you to be more encouraging throughout the rest of your week as well.)

This is why Christians engage in discipline; to allow God to form us into the proper image, the truly human image, that of Jesus.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Thanks for the challenges! There are so many problems that could be solved by living as Christ asked us to... if only we had the courage and the will. May those lines begin to glow so that we can't ignore them anymore!