
Friends from Munich

We received an email a few months back asking if we would be willing to house a group of three Germans traveling through the area. We agreed, not thinking much about it, as we have an entire third floor that is currently empty. We thought perhaps that they would stay the night and leave the next morning, we assumed they would not have much impact on our normal routines. We did not realize what was in store for us...

They showed up after a dissapointing week of Church Planting; Ingo and his new (and newly pregnant) wife Gisela, and their friend Maryann. They ended up staying for two days. It was one of the most encouraging, and uplifting encounters with perfect strangers that I have ever had. From the very first conversation we had, till the time they left, it was like having family visit in that they were so comfortable to be around, and yet there were all sorts of interesting things to find out about them (both as people and as emmisaries from a foreign land).

We were able to have some really wonderful conversations about what God was up to in our lives and in the world, they joined us for our Sunday service to the Retirement Facility, they spent time with us praying and worshiping, and they spent time with some of the folks from our Church. They had some very encouraging observations about who we were and what we were doing, they also were an encouragement to one of the young men in our Church. I came away from the weekend with my spirits lifted and refreshed.

At one point during the weekend I was struck by something...

The authors of the letters that now make up the Christian Bible speak often of the Church in ways that highlight the intimate bond that exists among the community who have been touched by the Spirit of Jesus; 'The Family of God,' 'The Body of Christ,' etc. In my time with our visitors I discovered this bond with them.

I have relationships that are deep and commited, friends for whom I would give my life, and with whom I have labored and laughed, comforted and cried. This was unique, however, in that I realized that it was not we who had created this bond by 'joining the same club,' nor even by our long hours together, but rather the bond that I discovered was present because of God's action in our lives. I found in Ingo a kindred spirit, the Spirit of Christ.

I had a moment of illumination, a realization that this man and I had submitted our lives to the same purpose in the world. It was like finding out after the fact that someone had shared the same trench with you in battle; there was a bond that was discovered, not one that was created.

This is what God intends for all of us to have with all people; a sense of belonging to the same central reality, God and His Kingdom. God desires that we could enter into relationships with others that are easy and encouraging, that can become the foundation for a life of joy and purpose, beauty and hope.

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