
Welcome to the Church of Jesus Christ . . . Homophob?

Let's just cut to the chase. We as a church have painted a horrible picture of the sin of homosexuality. No wonder gay people don't want to set foot in a church. Someone I met once said to me that so many people have waved the Bible in their face as if it were a loaded gun. Now I don't want to enable anybody, sin is sin, but how do we convey the love of God to a group of people who are convinced, if they believe there is a god, that he hates them? I am sure that God weeps at that question. I am sure that he is broken over the state of the church when it comes to this issue. We here in Buffalo are by no means better than anybody else or any other church but how do you get around this one? How do you undo the doings that have been so ingrained in our society? Lord Jesus please show us! I am pretty worked up about this, well tonight I am and I think I will continue to be as long as their are gay people in my life, and it seems as though their will be since my one of my coworkers is gay, and I work in the gay neighborhood of town. I love gay people. I can sometimes feel the love for them that I think God feels. Okay so it's on a much smaller scale, but I can't describe how it feels. I have a gay christian friend who is struggling so much right now with God and homosexuality and doing the right thing, and I try to tell them frequently that God loves them. I want to grab them by the shoulders and shake it into them. I believe that too, I believe that God loves them. He loves everyone and desires that we would all embrace him and the life he has for us. I think that God desires the sin in our lives to be battled so fiercly that the devil himself could not force it back upon us. I don't think God looks at our sins different from person to person. I don't think that one sin is bigger than the other. I don't think that we are capable from seperating ourselves from the love of God that we have in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).
I think the church has been afraid to tackle the issue of homosexuality. It seems that we are afraid of it, it seems as though we have lashed out in fear. And you know what, it is a scary thing. I am at a loss of how to disciple people through this. That's good because it keeps all of us here on our knees. But Jesus how would you do this? I just think of the story of the leper. He says, "Lord if you are willing you can make me clean" so then Jesus reaches out and touches the leper and says "I am willing" Jesus touched a leper. Leprosy is a deadly disease, a miserable disease, a puss, oozy, yucky, literally rotting-while-still-alive kind of disease. So if Jesus could reach out and touch the leper, then we can reach out and touch gay people? They seem to be the lepers of our day. Lord Jesus change that. Let us not be afraid. What can we do God to reach out to the gay community and to convey your love? Pass out condoms at next years gay pride parade? I know that I am complaining and even bashing at times it seems but if anyone has any thoughts or things they have seen in prayer or actually experienced, please comment and tell us about it. We want to undo the picture that has been painted about homosexuality.
God loves EVERYONE! "For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." You cannot be disqualified from the kingdom of God based on age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, creed and whatever else that job applications say at the bottom of the page. If anyone has any thoughts on this subject let me know I would love to hear them. This is a tough thing to come against but we as christians need to be able to tackle anything that God brings our way.

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