
A tribute to idealism

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."

I would add, if you have built your castle on the ground it wasn't worth building...

Of course I am married to a woman who said, "I'm young and I'm and idealist, one day I'll be old, and then I'll be old and I'll be an idealist."

If no one has ever called you an idealist, you had better check your convictions.

"Realists" don't bring homeless people into their houses...

"Realists" don't quit their careers to manage a coffee shop for Jesus...

or sell everything they own to finance their church...

or move to a foreign land to share God's love...

or face communist prisons, roman gladiators, swords, guns, flames, and wild beasts, with confident assurance...


...don't change the world...

May you never find yourself to have so settled into "the way things are" that you would trade your "castle in the air" for one of no worth. May you never be cursed with realism that is the death of a vibrant life of trusing Jesus.


??? said...


I forgot to cite my sources...

The quote is from Thoreau. I saw a mural on a wall in a dilapidated area of the city that had a castle in the clouds in one part of the mural and it reminded me of this quote.

Tamy S. said...

So is growing old together an idealistic notion or a realistic one???? Boy I sure do love you!! Let's grow old fighting to open the minds of realist to the world of big dreams, huge passions, and most of all great love found in the only hope!!!!

Sean said...

I enjoy idealism, though not to a fault. I have come to understand that everything has its ups and downs. Most people are just so stinkin' boring, normal; their life is lived through the lives of T.V. characters. I'll take the lumps of an idealist any day. You guys should try talking in person, someone told my wife and I that it works wonders for relationships. Love you both.

??? said...

Don't worry Sean, as my wife and I sit side by side on the couch together, each at our laptops, instant messaging each other our feelings for each other, sometimes I reach over and hold her hand...

Sean said...

Yeah, that's how number 3 got started! Damn instant messages.