
What would it take to make you leave?

I realize that few people will like or agree with every circumstance or problem that they find themselves in. Something is bound to strike you the wrong way or simply be misunderstood.

Often when people don't like something or someone for whatever reason, they will simply say they are quitting. I remember one case in particular after a magazine issue, "Cat Got Your Chum?" where I explained that I had to give away my cats because my wife was terrified of cats. A lady emailed to say that she was not subscribing because she couldn't respect any man who would put his wife over his cats. Perhaps she had one too many 'good cat/bad man' experiences.

Many instances are similar. I began to see the parallel with other relationships in life: Job - marriage - siblings - friends - parent and child - churches - schools - even countries.

Many will leave a relationship for the slightest reason. Marriages break up over trivial things. Lifelong friendships are destroyed in a blink. Brothers and sisters won't speak to each other nor children to parents. You'd be surprised how many prayer requests I get from grandparents asking for prayer to soften the hearts of their children to let them see their

Something made them leave. Something broke the relationship. Something caused the split.

I told my wife when we married what it would take for me to leave her. She would have to leave this earth; other than that, I was committed, come cats or high water.

With every relationship that you have, that question looms. With the increased sensitivities these days, the answers on that list are often long.

When you ask yourself the question, "What would it take to make me leave?" the shorter and more traumatic the list, the more likely the relationship will endure because with all
relationships, sooner or later something is likely to happen.

So think about your relationships, and ask yourself the question:

What would it take to make me leave?

...and for the relationships that you really want to last, perhaps you should shorten the list.

Have a great weekend ahead.

1 comment:

David said...

Okay...so like have you been speaking to God? A timely note, and a good laugh at my myself...thanks.