So here are some thoughts...
Do I judge people who I perceive as 'not wanting God?'
Do I take people who don't conform to my plans for their life (and no matter how spiritual sounding I make it, it doesn't amount to anything more than that!) and place them in a box? Anyone who refuses to jump on board with what God has called me to is relegated to non-existence? Is there no room for other people pursuing God's plan for their life, must they also pursue God's plan for me?
It is very easy to do!
It is very easy to just expect people to 'get with the program!' "Why won't you just do what everyone else is doing!?!" If you won't, the obvious answer is, you are lazy, evil, unrepentant, unsubmissive, difficult, or all of the above. These people are then simply ignored. I know I do it. If you are un
willing to make the effort, if you won't pursue my time, if you won't show up to my group, if you won't approach me, then you will not 'qualify' for my time.
It is very easy to do, it is what our culture trains us to do, it is the easy thing to do, the unreflective and comfortable thing to do, and it is just what Satan is whispering in our ear!
I turn the Kingdom of the Blessed poor, into the Kingdom of the beautiful people. Jesus said blessed are the down and out, and I very often choose instead to bless those who already have it made. Jesus said blessed are the meek and weak, and yet I choose to bless the powerful and successful. Jesus hung out with despised people, I choose to hang out with those who can accomplish much; and perhaps that keeps me from seeing what Jesus can accomplish...
How can I say I am 'seeking the lost' when the people I am 'finding' are so capable and self-assured?
I know that people will say that we shouldn't 'cast pearls before swine,' but swine don't have a use for pearls; and I don't think Jesus intended that saying to be used to instigate segregation, to promote cliques. Jesus, it is noted, spent time with the twelve, and with the three, at the expense of his time with others, but is this our real motivation for our proximity to the best and brightest, the up-and-comers?
I know that spending time with burned out people is depressing, but doesn't the Spirit of our Crucified Master compell us to blow on the spark till it flames, even though it means ashes in our faces?
Wouldn't Jesus rather have us get behind them and encourage them, instead of ignoring them, or privately mocking them?
Shouldn't we take the time to get to know the people who 'don't want more,' the people who are left out of the 'inner circle?' Shouldn't we do the real relational work of finding out just what is really going on, before we throw them to the trash heap of Church rejects?
Wouldn't we rather be a Barnabas and look for a discounted Saul to stand up for, invite along, and then step out of the way?
I am telling people to 'come follow me' instead of being 'with' them. Jesus loved people, He was with them and that is what allowed him to challenge people to 'follow him;' do we love the people we are 'challenging' the way that Jesus loved them?
The real question, of course, is not "do
we?" but rather "do