Relax; be still
let the tensions of the day slip away from you. Know that you are in
God's presence. He rejoices that you have come to him, however
forgetful you may have been of him during the day or week
Remember with
thanksgiving the gifts of God to you today. A meeting with a friend:
a glimpse of deep joy or sadness in a passing face; a flower at the
wayside; a babys first steps; a grandparents smile; a friendly shop
assistant; a considerate driver; a moment of insight; a job done; a
problem solved; a child's hug; a lovers touch; a warm memory; a
rising moon; a falling leaf....Be still in the memory and offer God
your thanks in your own way.
Ask God to help
you see and understand how his love has been working within you
today. This is a gift of the Spirit, and it has been promised to all
who sincerley seek it.
peacefully on what has been happening to you and in you today or this
last few days, trusting that your prayer for the light of his Spirit
has been granted. Let him show you whatever he may want to show you.
The questions that follow are only suggestions to prompt your
reflection, if you feel drawn to particular question stay with it,
and let God speak to you heart about it.
How were you
drawn to God today: by a friend, the beauty of nature, a book...
-Did you meet
him in fears, joys, work, misunderstandings, weariness or pain?
-Did you sense
the presence of God in the wider world, perhaps in what you saw on TV
or read in the paper? can you bring him your feelings..your anger,
your compassion
-Did anything
happen to make you feel loved ? Were you able to show love to another
person today?
- How were your moods today, what made you feel peaceful? where did you experience turmoil? What seemed to cause you to react with these feelings, open them up to God for affirmation or healing.
With hindsight
you may realize that much of your reactions to the events of the day
has been centered on your own kingdom. This may have led you to fail
to respond to the cry of another person, or to allow your own
preoccupations to take the center stage and crowd out other people's
needs. Your day may have left little space for an awareness of God or
of his creation. Whatever inadequacies you find in your day's living,
let them be there before God now, not for judgement, but for his
Spirit to hover over the mess, bringing wholeness out of brokenness ,
as once that same Spirit brought creation out of chaos. Express your
sorrow to God, and confidently ask for his healing and forgiveness.
Look forward to
tomorrow. Ask him to open your heart to whatever surprises it may
bring; to open your eyes to notice him in unexpected places; to open
your ears to become tuned in to the unceasing song of his kingdom.
Pray for sensitivity to recognize the Lord in whatever ways he may
greet you or call you. Something of God lies still concealed for you
in tomorrow”s journey. Look forward to discovering it.
*This reflection was lead by Tamy during our Sunday worship gathering as a part of her sermon this past Sunday. Several people asked to see a printed version of it. This was taken from the book Inner Compass by Margaret Silf.